New Year, New You:
Tips To Help You Stay Fit, Healthy and Happy!

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A new year often signifies a fresh start for many people, a time to reset, make some measurable and achievable goals, create those vision boards. Make this your year of health, abundance, growth and of course learning from lessons we have been challenged with!

More often than not, the health and wellness resolutions chosen are highly restrictive and unsustainable, leading most people to break their resolutions within a few weeks. This is why many people make the same resolutions year after year. No time like the present to break those cycles and make resolutions that not only improve your health but to imprint them as part of your everyday life! Here are 15 tips to help you create an awesome 2021:

1. Apply NOW for our NZ Diploma in Acute Prescribing with Homeopathy!

Kick start your 2021 off by applying to study Homeopathy with us. Our NZ Diploma in Acute Prescribing with Homeopathy is a species neutral program for both Human and Animal in Acute Case Management. This is an NZQA Accredited Level 5, 120 Credit qualification offering training in all aspects of acute homeopathy – from philosophy and theory to medical science and practical acute clinical application.

2. Eat more whole foods

One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to improve overall health is to eat more whole foods. Whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fish, contain a plethora of nutrients that your body needs to function at an optimal level. Research shows that following a whole-foods-based diet may significantly reduce heart disease risk factors, body weight, and blood sugar levels, as well as decrease your risk of certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. What’s more, adding more whole foods to your diet can be done slowly and consistently. For example, if you’re not used to eating vegetables, start by adding one serving of your favourite veggie to your diet every day.

3. Sit less and move more

Whether it’s due to having a sedentary job or simply being inactive, many people sit more than they should. Sitting too much can have negative effects on health. In fact, it may be linked to an increased risk of overall mortality. Making a resolution to sit less is an easy and attainable resolution that can be tailored to fit your lifestyle. For example, if you have a desk job that requires long periods of sitting, make a resolution to go for a 15-minute walk at lunch or to get up and walk for 5 minutes every hour.

4. Cut back on sweetened beverages

Cutting back on sweetened beverages is a smart idea considering that sugary drinks are linked to an increased risk of obesity, fatty liver, heart disease, insulin resistance, and cavities in both children and adults. Though quitting sweetened beverages cold turkey is always an option, gradually minimizing your intake may help you kick your sugary drink habit for good.

5. Get more quality sleep

Sleep is an essential part of overall health, and sleep deprivation can lead to serious consequences. For instance, lack of sleep may increase your risk of weight gain, heart disease, and depression. There are many reasons why people don’t get enough sleep, so it’s important to focus on your schedule and lifestyle to determine the best ways to improve sleep quantity and quality. Decreasing screen time before bed, reducing light pollution in your bedroom, cutting back on caffeine, and getting to bed at a reasonable hour are some simple ways to improve sleep hygiene

6. Find a physical activity that you enjoy

Every New Year, people purchase expensive memberships to gyms, workout studios, and online fitness programs in hopes of shedding excess body fat in the year to come. Though most people start strong, the majority don’t make their new routine into a lasting habit. Still, you can increase the chances of making your fitness resolutions stick. To get started, choose an activity based on enjoyment and whether it fits into your schedule. For example, taking a half-hour walk, jog, or bike ride before work, or swimming at a gym that’s on your way home, are simple and sustainable exercise resolutions.

7. Take more ‘me time’ and practice self-care

Taking time for yourself is not selfish. In fact, it’s imperative for optimal health and wellbeing. This is especially true for those in caretaker roles, such as parents and healthcare workers. For people with busy schedules and limited time, making a resolution to engage in self-care may take some planning. However, it’s well worth the time investment.

Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate or time-consuming. It can simply mean taking a bath every week, attending your favourite weekly yoga class, preparing a healthy meal for yourself, going for a walk in nature, or getting an extra hour of sleep.

8. Cook more meals at home

Research shows that people who cook more meals at home have better diet quality and less body fat than people who eat more meals on the go. In fact, a study in 11,396 adults found that those who ate 5 or more home-cooked meals per week were 28% less likely to be overweight, compared with those who ate fewer than 3 home-cooked meals per week. Start by making one meal a day, then increase the frequency over time until you’re making the majority of your meals and snacks at home.

9. Spend more time outside

Spending more time outdoors can improve health by relieving stress, elevating mood, and even lowering blood pressure. Making a New Year’s resolution to spend more time outside every day is a sustainable and healthy goal that can benefit most everyone, no matter where you live.

Taking a walk outside during your lunch break, hiking on weekends, going camping with friends, or simply soaking in the beauty of your backyard or local park are all ways to incorporate nature into your daily routine.

10. Limit screen time

Many people depend on their phones and computers for work and entertainment. However, spending too much time on electronic devices — particularly on social media — has been linked to depression, anxiety, and loneliness in some studies. Setting a resolution to cut back on the time you spend scrolling through social media, watching TV, or playing computer games may help boost your mood and enhance productivity.

11. Try meditation

Meditation is an evidence-based way to promote mental well-being. It may be particularly helpful for people who have anxiety or depression. Trying out this practice is a perfect New Year’s resolution because there are many ways to meditate, and it’s easy to find books, podcasts, and apps that teach you how to start a meditation practice.

12. Cut back on alcohol

Though alcohol can certainly fit into a healthy diet, imbibing too often can negatively affect your health. What’s more, drinking alcohol frequently may keep you from reaching your health and wellness goals. If you think cutting back on alcohol may be helpful for you, set a reasonable goal to keep yourself on track, such as limiting drinking to weekend nights only or setting a drink limit for the week. If you need a non-alcoholic beverage idea to replace your usual cocktail of choice, try fruit-infused sparkling water, kombucha, or one of these fun mocktails.

13. Be more present

Research shows that being more present may improve life satisfaction by decreasing negative thoughts, which may thereby improve psychological health. Making a New Year’s resolution to be more mindful and present may help you feel more content in your everyday life. Spending less time on your phone, stopping to notice your environment, and listening intently to others are simple ways to be more present.

14. Try a new hobby

It’s common for adults to let once-loved hobbies fall by the wayside as they get older due to busy schedules or lack of motivation. However, research shows that partaking in a hobby that you love can help you live a longer, healthier life. Make a resolution to try out a hobby that you’ve always been interested in — or pick back up a hobby that used to bring you joy.

15. Stop negative body talk

Talking negatively about your body can lead to feelings of body shame. In fact, research shows that engaging in and hearing negative body talk is associated with higher levels of body dissatisfaction and decreased self-esteem in both women and men. Make a healthy New Year’s resolution to engage in positive self-talk regularly and reduce negative body talk. This may not only help improve your relationship with your own body but also encourage others to stop talking negatively about themselves.

If you’re seeking help with any of the mentioned tips, get in touch with your local fully qualified Homeopath or GP to help you put a plan in place! Homeopathy offers support in restoring our body’s balance, health, and vitality. You must seek professional advice from a fully qualified registered homeopath or your GP to ensure you are receiving the best possible treatment you are experiencing.

The College of Natural Health & Homeopathy offers NZQA accredited Diplomas in Homeopathy. Study fully online, part-time, and from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world!

Start your journey today in becoming a Homeopathic Practitioner, and apply now for semester one in our NZ Diploma in Acute Prescribing with Homeopathy!



Adapted from source:
Kubala, J., Marengo, K.