Homeopathy for Lockdown Blues

Hx for lockdown blues

How are you all coping with lockdown? Hang in there, it won’t be forever and in the meantime, here is our article for helping you beat the lockdown blues with Homeopathy! You are probably finding the lockdown a little wearing by now. As we move into another week, have you found missing family, friends and your freedom? So for any of you who are feeling the strain, in this article, we will list some homeopathic remedies that might help support you with the “Lockdown Blues”.

In this unique and stressful situation, always consult with your local fully qualified registered Homeopath to ensure the right remedy and dosage is selected based on your overall individual picture. Homeopathy is not addictive, it’s safe, gentle and natural but if you take a remedy for too long, it can become less effective for you.

Loneliness and Homeopathy

Loneliness is a feeling that can creep up on any of us, even if you share your home with somebody else, you probably miss the company of others. After being shut away in a house or apartment with each other for weeks, maybe you have stopped communicating with each other. Maybe you feel you have run out of things to talk about. You don’t have to be alone to be lonely.

When you find that you are starting to feel tearful, Pulsatilla can often help. It’s particularly useful if you are feeling a little sorry for yourself and wishing there was somebody who could give you a hug. It’s also good for those days when you seem to be constantly thinking about family or friends and wondering when you will ever see them again.

If you find yourself wondering “Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve it?” Ignatia could make a difference. Signs that you might need this remedy are: sighing frequently, finding yourself grieving for past relationships, laughing one moment and in tears the next.

When you know you are suffering from loneliness but you hide your feelings, try Natrum muriaticum. Related to the fabled British “stiff upper lip”, this remedy helps those who keep their grief and distress to themselves. If you can’t let your family or friends see the pain you are holding inside, this remedy can help you release it.

Homeopathy When You Are Short-tempered

Dramatic changes in our lifestyles, strict rules about what we can or can’t do and being stuck indoors almost 24 hours a day. These are all reasons why you might feel short-tempered. Fortunately, homeopathy offers remedies that can help with anger.

If you are used to living your life “in the fast lane”, you are no doubt finding all the restrictions very frustrating. You probably feel like you want to get in the car and go for a blast down the motorway. Or maybe you want to go to the gym and have a really good workout. You need Nux vomica to ease the tension and help you reign in all that excess energy.

Perhaps you are normally quite calm and restrained, but you feel as if nervous pressure is building up inside. You’ve done everything the government recommended and you can’t take too much more. You’re keeping your anger and resentment hidden away inside, but it’s making you ill. Staphysagria can help you release the anger and begin to heal.

When you find yourself worrying about how the virus is affecting your family, friends or the world in general, try Phosphorous. People who need this remedy are generally very friendly, open and caring. But it is this same openness that can cause them to react to every little bit of bad news. If you manage to convince yourself that you and your loved ones are OK, only to be thrown into a panic again every time somebody mentions the virus, Phosphorus could help.

And finally, one remedy that really must be mentioned is Arsenicum album. This is an excellent remedy if anxiety and fear are making you feel restless. Do you find it hard to sit and relax because worry about the virus is always nagging at you? Do you find yourself cleaning and tidying several times over, or rearranging things constantly because nothing seems quite right? Does the worry seem to upset your stomach, so that as soon as you eat or drink something, you feel as if you might be sick or have to rush to the toilet? All these points to Arsenicum.

If you would like to read more about how homeopathy can help support you with anxiety, depression or if you are seeking other tips, check out our other articles to see how Homeopathy can help you, your family and friends!

Homeopathy offers support in restoring our body’s balance, health, and vitality on mental, emotional, and physical levels. It’s important you seek professional advice from a qualified registered homeopath or your GP to ensure you are receiving the best possible treatment for all that you are experiencing.

Would you like to learn more about homeopathy so you can help your community, family, friends, and animals? The College of Natural Health & Homeopathy offers NZQA accredited Diplomas in Homeopathy.

Study fully online, part-time, and from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world! Start your journey today in becoming a Homeopathic Practitioner, and apply now in our NZ Diploma in Acute Prescribing with Homeopathy!

Adapted from source
At Homeopathy
Jacqui Torrance