Reflexology for Rejuvenation Short Course

reflex shortcourse

What you will get out of this short course, is it gives a brief overview of the history of reflexology, what it is and what you might expect if you visit a practitioner.

We point you in the direction of resources you might use to explore reflexology for yourself and awaken your awareness regarding sensitivities in your own feet and what that might mean in assessing your health profile.

Reflexology for chronic disease is a gentle health option available for people residing in most areas. The course aims to encourage you to try this therapy and prompts you to undertake some simple relaxation techniques for your own family.

After the course, hopefully, you would have a clear idea of what reflexology is and where to find a reflexologist or undertake formal training if it interests you.

Please note: This course does not come with any qualifications, it’s simply an introduction and not to be used for clinical or professional purposes.

Short Course Application Form