Homeopathy: Seasonal Allergy Refresher

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How to take control of your seasonal allergies with homeopathy.

Like any other year, experts are predicting doom and gloom for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. More moisture brings more blooms which bring more pollen and allergens to the environment. Whether the season is beautiful or bland matters little if you happen to be the one afflicted. However, you can turn misery into opportunity– consider what your symptoms are and how they make you feel, then see how these key remedies measure up to your individual pattern. Perhaps one of them will be able to convince your body that a little bit of pollen is just that and not a health-threatening invader.

There are many homeopathic allergy remedy options, its a matter of matching the variety of hay fever symptoms, to a remedy, as homeopathy is based on the individual Its essential to remember that if your Hay Fever is recurring then this would require a constitutional consultation with a fully qualified homeopath to ensure the right remedy is selected base do your totality of symptoms.

Let’s discover below what Homeopathy remedies can help support the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Allium cepa – hayfever symptoms: watery eye irritation, nose burns, throat irritation, hoarseness

If eyes are irritated and nasal discharge burns, Allium cepa can bring relief. Whether due to a spring cold, hay fever or airborne irritants, it acts swiftly to relieve symptoms of eye, nose and throat irritation as well as related headaches, hacking coughs and hoarseness. Its symptoms are often worse in cool damp weather and stuffy rooms.

Arsenicum alb – Arsenicum relieves symptoms of allergies, hay fever, colds, etc. including sneezing, coughing, runny noses and eyes… all with watery, burning secretions. Its coughs hack, wheeze, dry up at night, loosen during the day with frothy, salty, burning mucus. The only relief maybe a hot cup of tea as anything cold makes everything worse. Those it can do the most for are anxious, restless worriers who often feel overly sensitive to all impressions and can be at times compulsive or controlling and fear being alone.

Euphrasia – hayfever symptoms: tears burn watery eyes, nose runs or gets stuffed up.

This fast-acting single remedy can help the body’s own defences with brightening eyes and clear congestion’s. Whether allergies, hay fever or a watery cold produces symptoms like burning, watery, red, irritated eyes, this remedy offers needed relief. Other symptoms may include coughs, headaches and noses that change from blocked and stuffy to running with bland profuse mucus.

Kali bich – hayfever symptoms: sinuses, throat, etc., clog with thick, ropy, stubborn mucus

By helping the body break down its thick, ropy, sticky, tough, stubborn mucus, this congestion expert relieves symptoms of sinus pain, postnasal drip, etc., including hawking, blocked nasal passages, stubborn gagging coughs. Related stomach distress and migraine-like headache symptoms can enjoy their relief as well. If mucus suppressants, spring pollen, or too much beer are in the picture, that’s more evidence that Kali bich could help.

Pulsatilla – hayfever symptoms: stuffy yellow mucus, sniffles, cough, sinus pressure, etc.

This comprehensive classic can bring much-needed relief to cold, flu, hay fever and allergy symptoms which bring on ripe yellow mucus, wearying night coughs that force them to sit up, burning eyes, dry sore throats and sometimes, thirstless chilly fevers. The key with all of these is a desire for fresh air even if it’s coldness seems to aggravate the cough. Pulsatilla has a preference for mild, moody, yet affectionate individuals with a deep need for security, e.g., children who need constant attention, they wilt in too much sunshine, but cannot stand a stuffy room.

Nat Mur – hayfever symptoms: dry throat irritation, profuse nasal discharge, watery eyes, postnasal drip.

Dryness underlies many of Nat mur’s applications. Its colds and congestion’s have a dry rawness along with thickening clear to whitish mucus. The nose may run but the throat feels dry and vice versa. The colds, hay fever and sinus pressure symptoms it helps are often marked by profuse nasal discharge, watery eyes, postnasal drip, dry tickling coughs or dry sore throats. While cell salt is pretty common to all of us, it has an uncanny ability to help those who are more susceptible because they feel worn down, sleepless or just tired of reliving haunting unpleasant memories of grief or disappointment.

If you are unsure of which remedy or dosage to take, it’s best to consult with a homeopathic practitioner. For chronic recurring allergy or hay fever conditions, this requires a constitutional approach that must be done so with fully qualified homeopaths who have had the professional training in prescribing for chronic conditions.

Homeopathy offers support in restoring our body’s balance, health, and vitality. You must seek professional advice from a fully qualified registered homeopath or your GP to ensure you are receiving the best possible treatment to help support you, make sure you visit a homeopath for guidance.

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1800 Homeopathy