Homeopathy for Summer Colds & Coughs

Summer Colds Coughs

The days are getting longer, flowers are blossoming, birds singing, bees are buzzing, the sun is shining brighter, summer is coming and yes, those summer colds and coughs may appear! Defend against summer cold and cough symptoms with Homeopathy. Summer cold, winter cold, what’s the difference? “Summer cold” is an expression you’ve likely heard, but aside from the fact that you may get a cold in the summer, is there a difference between summer colds and winter colds?

The simple answer is yes. Whilst the symptoms of both summer and winter colds can be similar, the causes can be different. Certain viruses are more active in winter and early spring and tend to attack the respiratory system. Rhinoviruses, on the other hand, are more active in late spring, summer, and early fall. Rhinovirus symptoms tend to be more “sinus” related, including runny nose, blocked sinus, sneezing, post-nasal drip, and sore throat.

The real challenge of a summer cold, however, is that the viruses that cause winter colds, sometimes combine with the viruses that cause summer colds. Some doctors say this can make a summer cold more difficult to treat and longer-lasting. It’s important to remember that we are all individuals and express symptoms differently, always seek advice from a qualified homeopath.

Homeopathic Remedies for Summer Colds are:

Cold applications on single remedies can vary greatly, thus symptoms typically suit both summer and winter colds. However, when you divide head colds from chest colds, there are a few striking remedies to consider for summer and fall, most of which overlap well with allergy symptoms. Below are some examples of how Homeopathy can help support in restoring your health from a summer cold.

Euphrasia – This fast-acting remedy helps brighten eyes and clear congestion. Relieves colds and hay fever symptoms with profuse, bland nasal discharge, burning and irritated eyes, hot tears especially in the morning. Often with a bursting headache that may set everything running. Other symptoms may include coughs, and noses that change from blocked and stuffy to runny and profuse. If in a smoky warm room is even worse than a garden in full flower, you might like this remedy.

Bryonia – Headaches more so left side and extending to the eyes, colds that travel down the chest, dry, hard and painful coughs where they must hold their chest and generally worse from motion.

Kali Bich – This master remedy for helping break down thick, ropy, stringy yellow mucus that clogs eyes, ears, noses, and throats causing pressure, post-nasal drip, gagging coughs, and pain especially at the base of the nose. Headaches are generally in one spot and there can express heaviness or burn at the root of the nose, plus related stomach distress and migraine-like headaches. If mucus suppressants, spring pollen, or too much beer are in the picture, that’s more evidence that Kali bich could help.

Kali Mur – As its source is critical to breaking down white mucus and discharge (fibrin), Kali Mur (potassium chloride) helps cleanse colds, coughs, and sinuses troubled by white mucus, as well as thrush, pimples, blisters, or eruptions with white discharge.

Hydrastis – Natural relief for marked post-nasal drip mucus, and profuse thick ropy discharge from the sinuses – eyes, nose, and throat. Could express a harsh, rattling or tickling cough, sinus congestion, sneezing, and irritated runny noses.

Pulsatilla – The cold, flu, sinus, and hay fever symptoms that Pulsatilla specializes in, are marked by greenish mucus discharge and often cause stubborn must-sit-up night coughs. Symptoms and moods change often with this remedy, but fresh air is always a must. Helps clear, mucus in the eyes, chest, often results in a pressing sore headache. They must-sit-up night with spasmodic cough, cold, and nasal congestion.

Allium Cepa – Headaches during coryza, profuse lacrimation in the eyes which is usually bland, whereas nasal discharge is acrid, burning, and excoriating. Can also have severe tearing pain sensation in the throat during a cough and hacking cough.

Hepar Sulph– Generally aggravated by cold and chilliness. Sinusitis with thick and post-nasal discharge, sneezing, painful otitis media, splinter-like pains in the throat, croup, and cough is worse from exposure and at night.

Natrum Mur – The cell salt made from sea salt restores a range of imbalances. For colds, sinus pressure, post-nasal drip, hay fever, and sore throats. The use of Nat Mur is indicated by a dry rawness and thickening clear-ish mucus. Cold generally begins with sneezing, headaches where it feels as though hammers are beating in the head, and egg-white coryza discharge. Dry or rattling cough, dry sore throat, lacrimation of the eyes.

Phosphorus – Hoarseness in the throat with pain and sensitivity that is worse to touch and when coughing. Recurring respiratory infections, nasal and chest congestion, every cold goes to the chest and can have a lingering, tickling cough that’s worse from exertion, changeable weather, and can be in collapse states.

Sulphur – Warm and generally aggravated from heat and in the winter. Headaches often at the weekend with a sensation of a band about the head. Chest congestion, nasal congestion expressed by hot, burning, and irritating yellow mucus and purulent nasal discharge. They can have a great sensitivity to the outdoors, odors, and asthma can be worse from catching colds.

Coffea cruda – Great sensitivity to noise, touch, taste, and other stimuli. Headaches worse from noise, music, and can express this pain as if a nail where being driven into one’s head. They can also have tinnitus with a buzzing sensation in the head. They can suffer from sleeplessness and restlessness.

Chamomilla – Very over-sensitive to pain, irritable, fussy, nocturnal sleeplessness. They can have acute or chronic otitis media that is worse to touch and from the wind. Generally aggravated at 9am or 9 – 10pm. Rotten egg stools, restlessness, thirsty, fevers where at night their feet feel hot and must be uncovered in bed and a dry cough that is worse at night.

Nux vomica – Chilly and worse from the cold and dry winds. Acute high fevers, influenza, or other febrile conditions. Sneezing, coughing, and with fluent coryza in the morning especially upon waking but obstructed at night. They can irritable, tired, and have difficulty falling asleep with insomnia and frequent waking especially at 3 – 4 am. Their headaches can be worse from noise, light, and mental activity.

Homeopathy offers support in restoring our body’s balance, health, and vitality. We recommend you seek professional advice from a qualified registered homeopath or your GP to ensure you are receiving the best possible treatment for the illness that you are experiencing.

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Adapted from source
1800 Homeopathy